This classy, beautiful White Garden Roses & Hydrangea Luxury Hand-Tied Bouquet epitomises luxury and opulence. A grand gesture, whatever the occasion may be.
In shades of white, this bouquet comprises the finest ‘Princess Miyuki’ Garden Roses, Spray Roses, Hydrangeas and a selection of fresh, aromatic foliage including Eucalyptus and Pistache. Completed with our signature, luxurious packaging.
Presented in either our signature luxurious packaging or a large vase (+£12).
This 'White Garden Roses & Hydrangea': Luxury Hand-Tied Bouquet is exclusive to Jeremiah's Floral Design and has been designed with care by Jeremiah O'Neil.
Luxury Hand-Tied Bouquet: White Garden Roses and Hydrangeas
PriceFrom £150.00