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Floral Care

How to care for...
Orchid Planters
Orchid Planters

When choosing a location to enjoy your new Jeremiah's Floral Design Luxury Orchid Planter, you must position your planter in a well-lit area whilst avoiding direct sunlight. Placing your planter in the correct location is essential, especially during the warm summer. If the Orchids receive too much sunlight, it can lead to browning leaves, whilst not enough sunlight can prevent buds from blooming and cause leaf discolouration. 
Phalaenopsis Orchids are native to warm tropical regions, making an ideal temperature range of 20-22 °C necessary for them to be at their happiest. The minimum temperature of the room they are in should not fall below 16°C, nor exceed 32°C. Avoid placing the plant near a radiator, as this can result in the plant drying out.
Despite coming from tropical climates, Phalaenopsis Orchids surprisingly require very little watering. We would recommend that you lightly water your planter every 7-11 days with room-temperature water (preferably distilled). When watering your Orchid planter, water the orchids lightly around the base of the plant (ensuring not to get water on the leaves or in the 'crown' of the plant as this might cause rotting) and give them a light mist to mimic the tropical, humid climates they are naturally accustomed to. Alternatively, you could place a few ice cubes around the base of the plant. The ‘drip watering’ effect of the melting ice can help to prevent overwatering. Make sure to not water too heavily, as this will cause the water to collect in the base of the pot, causing the roots to rot.
As a guide to whether you are overwatering or underwatering your Orchid planter, yellowing flowers and leaves may suggest that the plant is being over-watered, and browning flowers and leaves may indicate that the plant is being under-watered.
From March to October, we recommend feeding your plant with specialised Orchid plant food twice a month. If you notice aerial roots growing outside the pot during this period, it is a good sign that the plant is thriving and is very happy in its location and with its care.
After the flowering period, prune the branches to stimulate new growth and flowers. Trim the stem just above a node and relocate the pot to a cooler, well-lit area for a 2-month resting period at 16°C. During this time, you can reduce how much you water the planter.
If your orchid planter has been grown in a shape, such as a moon or a spiral, once you have pruned the branches of the Orchid make sure to train it along the frame that is provided when the orchids start to grow new stems and buds, by tying the stems onto the frame using the small black plastic ties provided.

After 2 months, return the pot to its original location and resume regular watering. The plant will bloom again after 6 months. This pruning process can be repeated twice; afterwards, trim the branch as close to the base as possible to encourage new growth.

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